Issues and options

Closes 28 Feb 2027

Character areas

This character area assessment helps determine what the characteristics are that contribute towards making Arlen Hill distinctive so that we can ensure and promote positive development in the future. 

View a map of our previous character area assessment:

This is an interactive map.

Character area definitions:

  • Define and describe the different character areas within the local authority's jurisdiction.
  • Identify key physical, historical, cultural, and social attributes that contribute to the unique character of each area.

Heritage and cultural significance:

  • Highlight areas with particular heritage or cultural significance.
  • Establish policies to protect and enhance the heritage assets within each character area.

Landscape and topography:

  • Consider the local topography, natural features, and landscape characteristics that define each character area.
  • Develop policies to protect and enhance the distinctive landscape features.

Architectural styles and building materials:

  • Identify characteristic architectural styles, building materials, and design elements within each area.
  • Establish design guidelines to ensure new development complements the existing architectural character.

Public realm and open spaces:

  • Outline the public realm elements that contribute to the character of each area, including parks, squares, and streetscapes.
  • Develop policies to enhance and protect open spaces within character areas.

Local materials and craftsmanship:

  • Consider the use of local materials and craftsmanship in construction.
  • Encourage the preservation of traditional building techniques and materials.

Scale and density:

  • Define appropriate scales and densities for development within each character area.
  • Ensure that new development respects the scale and density of existing structures.

Community assets:

  • Identify and protect community assets that contribute to the unique character of each area, such as local markets, community centers, and historic landmarks.
  • Encourage the creation of new community assets that enhance local character.

Woman standing at a market stall looking at carrots at St Phillips Sunday market.

Local businesses and retail:

  • Recognise the role of local businesses and retail in shaping the character of different areas.
  • Encourage the preservation and promotion of locally distinctive shops and businesses.

Transport and connectivity:

  • Consider the transportation infrastructure that serves each character area.
  • Develop policies to enhance connectivity while preserving the local character.

Cultural diversity and social dynamics:

  • Recognise the cultural diversity and social dynamics that contribute to the character of each area.
  • Encourage policies that support social inclusivity and community cohesion.

Conservation areas:

  • Identify and designate conservation areas within the local plan.
  • Establish policies and guidelines to manage development within conservation areas.

Community engagement and involvement:

  • Outline processes for community engagement in shaping the character areas.
  • Encourage local input in the identification and preservation of distinctive features.

Monitoring and review:

  • Establish mechanisms for monitoring changes in character areas.
  • Conduct regular reviews to assess the effectiveness of policies in preserving and enhancing local character.

Development management policies:

  • Develop specific development management policies for each character area.
  • Provide clear guidance to developers, architects, and the community on expectations for new development.

The character areas section aims to ensure that development within the local authority's jurisdiction respects and celebrates the unique identity and qualities of different parts of the area. The specifics may vary based on the characteristics and priorities of each local authority.

Downloadable PDF of character areas

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What characteristics of Arlen Hill make the area unique and should form part of our plan?